Looking for Tech Startup Success? : Mentorship by Hirak Mukherjee

Launch the Technopreneur in YOU..!!!

Neural Algorithmics

Email: hirak@neuralalgorithmics.com

Location: Mumbai

Phone Number: +919820291996

Website Url: http://Www.neuralalgorithmics.com

Linkedin URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hirak-mukherjee-050313/

Ready to disrupt the tech industry? Leverage Hirak Mukherjee’s experience to navigate the unique challenges of tech startups.

Hirak Mukherjee, an Oxford Business Alumni bring over 30 years of deep experience in entrepreneurship, leadership, technology consulting, and general management in global tech giants like IBM, Data General and Quinnox. He offers personalized coaching and mentorship programs designed to empower you to achieve your goals.

This program focuses on:

  • Demystifying Tech Startups: Understand the specific demands and opportunities within the tech landscape.
  • Securing Funding: Learn strategies to attract investors and secure the capital needed to fuel your venture.
  • Building a Thriving Tech Business: Develop a roadmap for success, from product development to team building.

  Why Hirak?

  • Experience in guiding tech startups and business units through launch and growth: He is passionate about empowering aspiring founders
  • Extensive Leadership Experience: Hirak has a proven track record of success in India and the Asia Pacific region, guiding businesses across various technology and consulting domains.
  • Deep Industry Knowledge: Leverage Hirak’s expertise in digital transformation, machine learning, financial engineering, and strategic management to gain a competitive edge.
  • Focus on Results: Hirak’s coaching programs are action-oriented, helping you develop a clear roadmap for success.
  • Personalized Approach: Each program is tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Hirak’s expertise is in:

  • Digital Transformation & Machine Learning
  • Technology Consulting & Business Development
  • Building & Scaling High-Growth Businesses


Turn your tech idea into a reality. Connect with Hirak to chart your personalized roadmap to success . (Or Explore how Hirak can help you design your unique roadmap to achieving your goals.)