Learning with the Power of Play (Corporate Floor and Board Games)

Innovative Yet SIMPLE!

IQube Solutions

Email: ruchi.dhamija@iqubesolutions.com

Location: Gurgaon

Phone Number: 9810100320

Website Url: http://www.iqubesolutions.com

Linkedin URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarikabhargava, https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruchidhamija

Discover the joy of learning and build team spirit with our creative floor and board games. We apply game elements in non game contexts with an aim to make learning more effective and engaging.

We make learning fun, collaborative and a compelling experience that encourages meaningful behavior change and makes the learning stick. These interactive team games can be leveraged as standalone learning sessions or interspersed with your face to face sessions and e-learning modules to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, all this while building camaraderie and having fun!