Business Ethics and Code of Conduct

Innovative Yet SIMPLE!

IQube Solutions


Location: Gurgaon

Phone Number: 9810100320

Website Url:

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This course on Business Ethics and Code of Conduct familiarises participants with the organisation’s code of conduct and outlines the expected behaviour of an employee as per the organisations code of conduct and the price of non compliance. It leverages everyday incidents through storytelling to enable participants to identify and resolve ethical dilemmas they face at work. It encourages participants to make business ethics a way of life.

This module covers the following topics; Personal Integrity and Ethical Conduct, Conflict of Interest, Insider Trading, Gift and Entertainment, Related Parties, Information Security, Proper Use of Company’s Assets, AML & KYC, POSH and any other topic as per the organisation’s code of conduct. 

#Codeofconduct #conflictofinterest #ethics #insidertrading #informationsecurity #respect #integrity #businessethics #confidentiality #anticorruption #fairdealing #giftsandentertainment #related parties

Read the Participant Feedback

• Well-crafted course, explained very well with simple case studies, stories, activities, videos and assessments.
• Explained a complex topic in a simple and clear way. Very interactive.
• Conveys the principles and practices of ethical business behavior dynamically and memorably, enhancing the overall training quality.
• A well designed course that will be very useful for existing employees and new joinees and will always stand the test of time.
• An excellent and engaging learning experience.